One thing to note here: when I talk about list building, I am specifically referring to building a list of like minded people online with whom you are developing a relationship, a personal in nature, although business in intent, relationship. I am not referring to buying names or emails, or renting names or emails, or scamming anyone into giving you their name or email, nor am I referring to harvesting names and emails online.
I am talking about having people who want to learn more from you, subscribe to your list. When they subscribe to your list, they are intending to learn from you. They are expecting that you will recommend useful products to them. And it is your responsibility to build a personal relationship with them.
Think about this, when you are going to buy a new pair of shoes or a new suit, do you call your friend in the suit and shoes business or do you go to the corner store$%:
If you are like me, you call your friend. Why$%: Because you trust your friend. You trust your friend to show you the best suit and shoes for you, and you like him, too. You like doing business with him.
And when I build a list, that is what I am doing. I am building a friendship online so that when it comes time for someone to buy something related to getting more effective online, they will buy from me instead of typing their needed topic into a search engine.
I want them to think of me when they need something to help them become more effective online.
And that is what I have built with my list. My subscribers like buying from me, they trust me.
So where does article marketing come in$%:
Well, remember that to get subscribers, I have to have traffic.
Now let me ask you this, if my traffic already knows me and has been acquainted with me by reading one of my articles, is my traffic going to be more likely to have already developed a bond with me, one that will lead to the trust that ultimately leads to buying from me$%:
Of course they will. And that is where article marketing comes in to my list building.
People read my articles, like what they read, subscribe to my list to learn more from me, and choose to buy from me when it is time for them to buy tools to help them become more successful online.